Release of the book:
“Lorenza la tortuga marina”
The book “Lorenza la tortuga marina” is now available, a story written by Sofía Valenzuela Méndez and financed by Pavimentos Colombia as a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative, which seeks to make a call about the importance of preserving species that are in danger of extinction.

On April 27, 2023, with the support of UDCA University and the United Nations Global Compact – Colombian Network, we released the book “Lorenza la tortuga marina”, a Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of Pavimentos Colombia S.A.S., in the context of the alliance “Suma tus manos por La Guajira“, through an educational project for children between 5 and 9 years of age, which seeks to make a call about the importance of preserving species that are in danger of extinction, as is the case of green and hawksbill turtles.
The idea of this book arose from the cleaning of seagrasses in Cabo de la Vela, vital food for turtles, where a large amount of pollution was evidenced in the days of diving and garbage collection, as well as the absence of species and few sightings of turtles, which in previous years had not occurred. From this moment on, and parallel to the beach and seagrass cleaning project, a new project was started by Sofía Valenzuela Méndez, a biology student, with the support of the organization, to develop an educational book to draw attention to this problem, through pedagogical activities focused on the children of La Guajira and the general public.
Thus, in collaboration with the Foundation Tortugas del Mar and the CSR and Communications areas of our organization, Lorenza’s book materialized, which seeks, as stated by its author Sofia, to strengthen the relationship we have with the sea, to understand that our actions are leading to the degradation of ecosystems, and that we humans are becoming even more dangerous obstacles for the life of species, which already have a complex path, and that just as our actions influence the sea, the health of the sea also influences human beings, as in the quality of the air we breathe, among others.
Lorenza is a way to reach children and everyone with a message of preservation of the blue planet. Let’s remember that the planet is 70% water, hence the responsibility to take action and connect with the sea. Likewise, through this book we wanted to involve other actors, being this an inclusive book where children from La Guajira are being involved, through a physical edition of the coloring book, which will be delivered to the communities of the Resguardo Perraptú and Cabo de la Vela in La Guajira, and where it will maintain the focus of ethno-education that the Wayuú communities receive, so the story is both in Spanish and Wayuunaiki.
This book has a pedagogical approach, so it includes a set of activities that seek to deepen on the main concepts and messages that Lorenza’s story leads us to learn. It invites us to reflect not only on all the factors that impact throughout the life and migratory cycle of this species, but also to transfer it to how from our day to day we are contributing to increase environmental impacts such as pollution, increased sea temperature or changes in the pH of ocean water, further affecting its flora and fauna; as well as to bring to the local attention the need to preserve marine and land ecosystems, identifying which are in danger of extinction, are affected, and how we can help to take care of them.
This book is available in 2 versions: A printed version for coloring, which includes activities and pedagogical games for children, and a digital version that you will soon be able to find on our organization’s website as well as in the virtual library of the United Nations Global Compact – Colombian Network
In Pavimentos Colombia we ratify our commitment to environmental sustainability, with initiatives and alliances that promote a better place to live. We make a call to the responsibility that we have as citizens of the world that obliges us to make decisions and actions that preserve life and educate new generations.