Malla Vial del Meta

Works for the construction of the roads corresponding to: The Broche Humadea sector from K44+150 to K44+995 and from K45+060 to K45+750 located in Functional Unit 1. Ocoa toll sector from K18+975 to K20+830 and Colonia Penal sector from K21+407 to K22+420 of Functional Unit 2 and 3. Sector K6+609 to K7+709 and sector of the third return from K10+484 to K11+140 of Functional Unit 3. All abscissae of the concession project.

Type: Contract

Status: In progress

Contracting entity: Concesión Vial de los Llanos

Zone: Rural

City or Municipality: Villavicencio – Acacías

Department: Meta

Country: Colombia

Starting date: 1/9/2022

Completion date: 1/3/2023